The Department of Periodontics specializes in the treatment of gum-related issues, with a strong emphasis on maintaining optimal gum health. Our training program offers a well-rounded combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on clinical experience. This comprehensive curriculum equips students with a deep understanding of fundamental periodontal tissues and the proficient management of diseases affecting the supporting structures of teeth.
Comprehensive Training: Our training program encompasses various aspects of periodontal care, including non-surgical procedures such as oral prophylaxis, tooth polishing, root planning, splinting, local drug delivery, and abscess drainage. In addition, our students gain valuable hands-on experience in performing surgical procedures, including flap surgeries, mucogingival surgeries, gingival depigmentation, crown lengthening procedures, and regenerative techniques involving bone grafts and guided tissue regeneration membranes. Our department is equipped with advanced tools, including an electrocautery unit and a centrifuge for platelet-rich fibrin procurement, enhancing the quality of patient care.